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links for 2010-05-28 May 29, 2010

Posted by Binny V A in Del.icio.us.
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  • Okay, imagine you only have a network cable plugged in your desktop PC (which we'll call "eth0") and a wireless card too (which we'll call "wireless0"). Now suppose you have your laptop (or any other computer) and you have no way to connect it to the internet – but wait! you have a wireless in your desktop PC and your laptop does too, so what we're gonna do is to share your internet connection for your laptop through your wireless card
  • What if, seconds before your laptop began stalling, you could feel the hard drive spin up under the load? Or you could tell if an electrical cord was live before you touched it? For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects — a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.

links for 2010-05-27 May 28, 2010

Posted by Binny V A in Del.icio.us.
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links for 2010-05-13 May 14, 2010

Posted by Binny V A in Del.icio.us.
  • Deciphering encrypted text can be challenging and time consuming. These programs will reduce some of the hack work allowing you to look for patterns. In most cases there is a form with example text for you to experiment with. Conversely, you can paste your own ciphertext into the form for decryption.